Sunday, January 17, 2010

MoMa Moments

My good friend Heather was visiting me in NYC this past week and we had a fun-filled, action-packed few days together. I took her around the city since she hasn't ever really had a chance to see it, and frankly, I haven't had the time to either since I've moved here. Among our adventures included a trip to the MoMa to see the Tim Burton exhibit. While we enjoyed it immensely, and got a glimpse into the twisted mind of Mr. Burton, no photos were allowed in the exhibit so you'll have to just go for yourself. But here are two photos I did snap on my iPhone that were particularly interesting among the contemporary artists (of course the original works by Picasso, Dali, and Warhol were awe-inspiring as well)

The above two works were each done using unique mediums. The top one was a mixed media and the colorful one was actually solely done using the darkroom processing, chemicals, and exposure techniques. Each picture was unique and the artist didn't know how they would come out until they were finished processing. Kind of neat in a world where the darkroom is becoming obsolete...

1 comment:

  1. Love that first work!
    Lovely blog you have...
    I want to visit NY so badly!

