Friday, July 8, 2011

Rock of Ages

I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to work on my first movie set! Sure I'd been an extra in Burn Notice once, but not too often does a big budget production get filmed in Miami so I jumped at the chance to be a "featured extra". They've been filming Rock of Ages here in my backyard basically, and transformed a street I frequent and hold dear in my heart in downtown, NE 14th St, into the old Sunset Strip in LA from the 80s. My scene was literally a photo shoot that we had to reproduce because apparently toward the end of the movie, a photo surfaces from Patricia (Catherine Zeta Jones)'s past and it's scandalous. They're going to photoshop in some young faces of the actors en lieu of the people we really did the shoot with. A few other girls and I were very scantily clad (in g-strings) hanging out being groupies backstage and "partying" with the band. It wasn't too hard of a shoot to say the least and I had a blast being on set... Definitely something I'd love to do again. Mr. Cruise himself even passed through a few times and stayed at the end to watch some of it, chuckling to himself about the ridiculousness of it all, because it was. Now I just need to wait a whole year before I can go see it!

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