Monday, January 25, 2010

Back from a tropical paradise

Well I'm back in good ol' NYC and it's the place to be! I'm getting back into the swing of things here and probably won't be traveling again for a little while, or at least that's the plan. But for now, here are some pictures from the tropical paradise known as St. John that I fell in love with. More are at the gallery: like a day of fishing...

Mom getting some pointers from our awesome tour-guide Richard Penn.

Donkeys roam wild- they paved the streets from their paths

Trunk Bay: named 1 of the top 10 most beautiful beaches in the world

crazy colored caterpillars

serious business. although I was too busy taking a pic of the sign to see the tree very well. woops

ultimate get-away

iguanas chillin at the resort.

found a dried up sea urchin on the shore

locals in town

love all the colors!

gorgeous sunset

local artist- loved her style!

me & mom on my last night- great restaurant, Asolare

farewell from the ferry

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